We are located in the small town of Maple Creek, in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, surrounded by open prairies and abundant wild bird populations. We are 80 miles north of the Montana border and 20 miles east of the Alberta border.

My husband, Rick, is a plumber nearing retirement, while I board and groom dogs for the public. My true passion in life has been the Brittany breed.

I strive to breed a good looking dog in the breed standard, sweet tempered, mentally and physically sound with tremendous drive and natural field ability. I spend much of my spare time out in the field with the dogs, getting them trained and conditioned for field trials and hunting. I have enjoyed field trialing, hunting and showing my Brittanys most of my life and plan to continue as long as I am capable to be active with the breed. I also enjoy the companionship of the dogs in my home--they are truly a remarkable breed.

If you have done your research and are sure the Brittany is the right breed for your lifestyle, want a quality dog and are willing to commit the time and training a good dog deserves, you can contact me, Leslie Andreas at andreasl@sasktel.net or phone at (306) 662-2536

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